[ENG VERSION] Learn More About FreeNAS
FreeNAS can be accessed by a server or accessed by a number of servers simultaneously, therefore FreeNAS is an alternative way to create or build a data center and at the same time makes it easier to share data and access these data. We can implement FreeNAS everywhere, starting from Small Business, Home Office, to data storage on the NAS, and can be accessed by 2 PCs simultaneously, and up to Enterprise scale.
FreeNAS is easy to manage with an (interface) web because it is already in the form of an OS, we can install it directly on hardware and virtualize it just like we install Windows OS.
Is it okay to store so much data in FreeNAS? Take it easy, your data is still SAFE because FreeNAS has excellent features, namely ZFS (Z File System) which is used to protect our data, backup, and store our data so that it is safe from stolen by others.
Download FreeNAS :
Here are the features in FreeNAS :
1. Web Interfaces
2. Translate
3. File Sharing
4. Data Protection
One of the outstanding features is ZFS (Z File
System). This is for protecting our data. FreeNAS is designed for data
integrity because it has been included RAID system.
5. Encryption
6. Backup Service
There are so many options to use backup services. That could be using Windows Backup, Rsync, Apple Time Machinge, TrueOS Life Preserver
7. Snapshot
FreeNAS has a snapshot feature, the function is that if we are Administrators, we can do ZFS Snapshots or save data at any time (local backup), when we have a snapshot made already, we can access and restore data again when the snapshot process was created. This snapshot can be created automatically in the Schedule / Cron Job model. We can also do cloning, deleting or rolling back to the previous snapshot if needed.
8. Replication
Next, FreeNAS has Replication for doing ZFS Snapshot to remote ZFS Filesystem full( Full duplicate content ). Additional snapshots on the same filesystem are sent incrementally to reduce the size of each backup to the changes the snapshot makes. For example, in case of major damage to the local ZFS Filesystem, all backed up snapshots are sent to the new ZFS Filesystem and recover all the data.
Here are some plugins in FreeNAS. Those are Bacula, BitTorrent (Sync) Fast, couch potato, CrashPlan, Gamez, HTPC-manager, maraschino, minidlna, mylar, plexmediaserver, owncloud, sabnzbd, sickbeard, transmission etc.
3 Tips For Using NAS's Storage:
1. Using 1 separate disk for making media installation OS NAS, for example, Flash disk or SD Card (server that built-in SD Card only). Next, we will use hard disk RAID as a NAS Storage media or the center of the data.
2. Determine the right RAM capacity / Hard disk. For example, if the capacity of the RAM is 1 GB and then 1 TB for harddisk. This is due to the write cache's ability to run smoothly, or you can call it an IT bottleneck.
3. Last but not least, finding a kind of hard
disk-based on your need. For example, if you want the best speed, the use SSD
hard disk, but if you want the best strength, use SAS hard disk, And then, use
SCSI hard disk for the best endurance. For the best result, both for speed and
strength, use the SAS SSD hard disk.
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